How to Lower Alkalinity In Pool

Close up photo of equipment for testing the quality of pool water and chemical cleaning products at the edge of swimming pool.

Adjusting pool alkalinity involves the addition of specific acids, such as muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate, to your pool.

Types of Pool Algae & How to Treat Them

Back yard swimming pool behind modern single family home at pool opening with green stagnant algae filled water before cleaning

As a pool owner, you know keeping it in good shape is key. One of the most common issues is algae—tiny plant-like organisms that can affect water clarity. If you’ve noticed green, black, or yellowish tints in the pool or a film on the surface, chances are you’ve got some algae sneaking in. The term […]

A Guide to Simple Saltwater Pool System Maintenance

clear blue salt water up close

Owning a saltwater pool is often a dream come true for many pool owners. The gentle feel of the salt water on the skin and the lack of traditional chlorine make these pools an attractive option. But what does it take to maintain a saltwater pool properly?